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Order of Felix Varela, III Class
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Order of Julio Antonio Mella, Medal
Order of Frank Pais, I Class Medal
Order of Frank Pais, II Class Medal
Order of Anna Betancourt, Medal
Order of Juan Marinello, Medal
Order of Solidarity, Award
Order of Sporting Merit, Medal
Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Star
Hero of Labour of the Republic of Cuba, Star
Order of Police Merit, Grand Cross
Order of Police Merit, Grand Cross Breast Star
Order of Police Merit, Commander
Order of Police Merit, Officer
Order of Police Merit, Knight
Medals & Decorations
medals and decorations
Medal of Military Merit for Good Conduct
Medal of Military Merit for Special Services
WWI Victory Medal
Medal of Antonio Maceo
Medal of Calixto Garcia
Medal for the Defence of Cuito Cuanavale
Medal of Ignacio Agramonte, I Class
Medal of Ignacio Agramonte, II Class
Medal of Ignacio Agramonte, III Class Medal
Medal for Exemplary Service in the Revolutionary Armed Forces
Medal for Independence
Medal of Emigration
Medal of Jesus Mendendez
Medal for Combatants in the War of Liberation
Medal for Combatants in the Clandestine Struggle
Medal for Combatants in the Column of Jose Marti
Medal of Abel Santamaria
Medal of Ciro Redondo
Medal of Jose Antonio Echeverria
Medal of Osvaldo Herrera
Medal for International Fighters, I Class
Medal for International Fighter, II Class
Medal of Eliseo Reyes, I Class
Medal of Eliseo Reyes, II Class
Medal for the Cuban Victory of the People's Republic of Angola
Medal for the Cuban Victory in Ethiopia
Medal for Fighters Prepared for Defence
Medal for International Workers
Medal of Olo Pantoja
Medal of Antonio Briones Montoto
Medal of the Brotherhood of Fighters
Medal for the Struggle Against Bandits
Medal for Internal Security
Medal of Aracelio Iglesias
Medal of Rene Ramos Latour
Medal of Nico Lopez
Medal of Manuel Fajardo
Medal of Carlos Balino
Medal of Jose Maria Perez
Medal of Antero Regaldo
Distinguished Service Medal
Medal for Long Service in the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (in Brass)
Medal for Long Service in the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (in White Metal)
Medal for Long Service in the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (in Bronze)
Medal of Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior (for 20 years service)
Medal of Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior (for 15 years service)
Medal of Long Service in the Ministry of the Interior (for 10 years service)
Medal for National Culture
Medal of Sport Merit
Medal for Distinction in Service to the Committee for the Defense of the Revo...
Medal of Felix Elmuza
Medal of Florentino Alejo
Medal of Elpidio Sosa
Medal of the 19th of April
Medal for Cuban Education
Medal for Defensive Preparedness
Medal of the 23rd of August
Medal for Distinguished Service in the Ministry of the Interior
Medal for Nuclear Construction
National State Award Medal
National Reconciliation Medal
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