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Howardpeng posted on MedalMarket on Department of State Superior Honor Award
Superior Honor Award
WarrenGreen posted on MedalMarket on Gold Cross of Zimbabwe
Gold Cross of Zimbabwe
WarrenGreen posted on MedalMarket on Gold Cross of Zimbabwe
Gold Cross of Zimbabwe
JoeW1944 commented
I have recently found some of the US Insignia incorrectly dated and not based on the hallmarks on the back of the insignia. String in the Korean War era the US started using assigned hallmarks. 3 digit numbers were issued during Korea by the US Marine Corp to ID manufacuers. Also during the Korea War ear the mark "GI" appeared on a number of item. But in 1953-54 everything changed when the US started to require a number followed by a single or two digit number. This ID the time frame and the manufactuer. This changed in 1964-65 when the system still in use today came into being where the system changed to a Letter followed by a 2 digit number.
JoeW1944 commented
Dating US insignia
WarrenGreen commented
Zimbabwe Gold Cross - Info Needed

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