Firefighters Fire Protection Police Enlisted Ranks Belt Buckle


SKU: 74.GOR.

Estimated market value:

$70 USD

  • Firefighters Fire Protection Police Enlisted Ranks Belt Buckle Obverse
  • Firefighters Fire Protection Police Enlisted Ranks Belt Buckle Reverse
  • Firefighters Fire Protection Police Enlisted Ranks Belt Buckle Reverse

Estimated market value:

$70 USD


  • Country

Physical Description and Item Details

Very fine quality manufacture stamped pebbled aluminum buckle with stamped blackened aluminum face-plate attached to reverse via four tabs; reverse unmarked; measuring 63 mm x 48 mm; in near mint condition.


Before the NSDAP’s rise to power in 1933, firefighters and their regulations were overseen by the individual German states. Fire services were more or less run by the communities as they saw fit. Larger towns and cities featured professional fire services (Berufsfeuerwehr), while rural areas featured volunteer fire services (Freiwillige Feuerwehr).

Under Third Reich rule, fire services were to be unified on a national level and therefore placed under the control of the German Police. National socialist doctrine was infused and the fire services militarised in preparation for war and the anticipated bombing of German cities.
Between 1933 and 1938, the professional fire service was referred to as “Feuerlöschpolizei” (fire extinguishing police), while between 1938 and 1945, they were referred to as “Feuerschutzpolizei” (fire protection police) as a subdivision of the German Police.
Volunteer firefighters were classified as part of the Hilfspolizei (police auxiliary forces).

Firefighter uniforms had generally been made of dark blue material, predominantly in Prussia. This colour was still used during the 1930s, but then changed in 1939 when members of the professional fire service received a green uniform similar to that of the German Police. The uniform garments featured carmine piping and initially black, later dark brown (as of September 1942) collars, cuffs, and cap bands as identifiers. However, volunteer firefighters kept wearing dark blue uniforms with carmine piping until the end of the war.

The Enlisted Ranks belt buckle used by professional fire service members was in the same design as the Police belt buckle, but with a burnished black finish. It was worn on a black leather belt.

The buckle is rectangular and measures 63x47mm. The surface is pebbled with a smooth round centre plate depicting a mobile swastika and around it an open oak leaf wreath at the bottom and the inscription “Gott mit uns” (God with us) in Gothic letters at the top.


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