DJ Shoulder Strap (1st pattern)


SKU: 32.GOR.

Estimated market value:

$40 USD

  • DJ Shoulder Strap Obverse

Estimated market value:

$40 USD


  • Country
  • Version Remarks
    This strap was worn by a member of the 2nd Stamm of Jungbann 183.


The shoulder straps for the DJ were introduced in a regulation from April 4, 1935. Contrary to the HJ members who wore one on each shoulder, the members of the DJ only wore a single strap, on the right shoulder.

Another difference to the HJ shoulder straps was the placement of the numbers and letter. On DJ straps, they were placed lengthwise and horizontally across them, whereas on HJ straps, they are placed across the width instead.

DJ shoulder straps consist of black cloth with black piping. The letters and numbers are white. Initially, the end was rounded, but later version feature a pointed end.

The 1st pattern straps showed the Stamm number, followed by a slash, followed by the Jungbann number. On the 2nd pattern, the Stamm number was dropped.

Several letters were used instead of or alongside the numbers.

A Gothic “B” was put before the Jungbann number for units from southern Germany (Bavaria).

Members on a Gebiet Staff wore a Gothic “G” in front of their Jungbann number.

Members on the Staff of the Reichsjugendführung wore the Gothic letters “RJF”.

Students of an Adolf Hitler School wore the Gothic letters “AHS”.
Likewise, students of Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten (National Political Educational Institutes) wore the Latin letters “NPEA”.

Members of the Bann “Jungsturm” (Nuremberg) wore a Script “J”, while members of the Bann “Jungsturm” (Munich) wore a Script “L”.


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