Insignia of Honour for the Laureate of Work, Bronze Decoration (1948-1963)
SKU: 02.BEL.0163.104.01.000
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The Insignia of Honour for the Laureate of Work was established by Royal Decree of the Prince Regent on November 12, 1948. It is awarded to Belgian citizens in recognition of excellence in their profession. Every year the Royal Institute of the Elites of Labour selects approximately five sectors to reward with the Insignia. Candidates are chosen from application files which include examples of their work, as well as recommendations from co-workers and supervisors.
The Bronze Decoration is awarded to workers who are at least 30 years old in recognition of an excellent and skilful performance in their profession for 10-15 years.
There are two versions of the Bronze Decoration. The first version was awarded from 1948-1963 has small laurel branches, and the present version, awarded since 1963, has a large laurel branches. Both versions have a reverse inscription that translates to "Kingdom of Belgium. National Exhibitions of Work. Insignia of Honour of the Laureate of Work."
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