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Marigold_77 commented on Order of Military Merit, Type I, I Class Cross (red distinction, Isabel II monogram, and Royal Crown)
This version is showing the monogram upside down!
Marigold_77 commented on Order of Military Merit, Type I, II Class Breast Star (red distinction, Fleur de Lys, and Royal Crown)
This is such a beautiful version! It shows the best of the Spanish manufacturing.
Marigold_77 commented on Imperial Order of Guadalupe, Type I, Supernumerary Knight
To be honored with the Supernumerary Knight, the recipient must be 25 years old, be a citizen of the Mexican Empire, be a Catholic, be a Public figure and be qualified by the Assembly of the Order.
Moritz commented on HJ Skiing Badge
The way this badge combines all these different shapes into one item is fascinating! On the one hand, it's a shame that it wasn't given out more often. But on the other hand, the rarity of it certainly contributes to its special character.
Moritz commented on "Torfeinsatz 1943" Badge
I really wish we knew why and to whom this decoration was awarded ... It is such an odd one!
Moritz commented on National Prize for Art and Science, Breast Star
This is such an over-the-top design! In my eyes, the embodiment of the notion that the line between genius and madman is a thin one indeed!
Moritz commented on Army Mountain Guide Badge
Simply beautiful! Shame that it's so rare ...
Moritz commented on Sniper Badge, I Class
Is it true wearing one of these was equal to a death sentence if the wearer was caught by the enemy?
Moritz commented on Lappland Shield
The Lappland Shield has always been a decoration I have had a soft spot for. I think it's because they were all awarded after the end of the war, in POW camps, made out of anything and everything that was available to them at the time. That level of dedication, even after the war was lost, and the need to have their achievements recognised when there wasn't any more glory to be won, has always fascinated me from a psychological standpoint.
Moritz commented on German Cross, in Gold, by C. E. Juncker
The German Cross has such a bold, beautiful design! ... The swastika is a bit of a problem these days, of course ... Too much baggage that comes with that symbol. But honestly, the 1957 version just doesn't have quite the same feel to it.

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