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SKU: 01.CAN.0105.102.01.M.000
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Originally established as the Saskatchewan Award of Merit on June 5, 1985, the province's highest honour was renamed to the Saskatchewan Order of Merit on May 10, 1988. The Order is conferred on residents who have achieved individual excellence in any field and made significant contributions to the betterment of the province. On May 9, 1991, the Order was granted status in the Official Precedence of Canadian Orders, Decorations, and Medals.
The Order is a white enamelled six-pointed star modelled on the provincial floral emblem, the red lily, with silver and gold edging. The obverse features the Saskatchewan shield of arms surmounted by a crown. The reverse is plain silver.
The motto of the Order is [MULTIS E GENTIBUS VIRES], translating to "From Many Pe ... oples Strength."
The Chancellor of the Order is the acting Lieutenant Governor. Recipients are entitled to use the post-nominals "SOM" and to wear their Order on National occasions.
Elected officials are not eligible to receive the Order while still in office. There is a maximum of 10 recipients per annum. Originally no posthumous awards were presented; however, an amendment in 2000 allowed for individuals to be nominated within one year of their death. In 2001 honorary awards were introduced and thus far have been presented to members of the Royal Family.
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