BDM Reichsjugendführung Cuff Title

SKU: 33.GOR.

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Cuff titles were only worn by BDM leaders. They were worn on the lower left sleeve of the jacket, both the blue one and the white one. When worn with the white jacket, the Cuff Titles were white. When worn with the blue jacket, they were black. They showed the name of the wearer’s Obergau (district) in silver-coloured embroidery. If appropriate, they came with a tradition stripe, showing that the wearer had been part of the NSDAP or one of its organisations since the earlier days of the party.

Members of the Reichsjugendführung (Reich Youth Leadership) wore the letters “RJF”.
Members on the Staff of the Reichsjugendführung wore “RJF Stab”, either silver-coloured for lower leaders or gold-coloured for higher leaders.


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