
The Togolese Republic is a country in West Africa. It is bounded by Ghana to the west, Benin to the east and Burkina Faso to the north. The capital and largest city is Lomé. The estimated population of Togo is 7,9 million. The official languages are French, Ewe and Kabiyé.

In the 16th to the 18th century was Togo and its surrounding regions were known as “the slave coast”. From 1884 to 1916 the Togo region was a German colony. At the beginning of the World War I Togo was conquered by Anglo-French forces then divided into British Togoland in the west and French Togoland in the east. Togo gained the independence in 1960. Since then, happened a few military coups. Several hundred people lost their lives in political and social unrest in the early 1990s. Pressure for democracy and donor threats to stop economic assistance led to a national conference in 1991 and a transitional administration with a lifting of restrictions on the political opposition.

The military has a staff of about 8,550 men.

The Order of Mono was the highest title and was instituted by President Sylvanos Olympio. It was conferred for meritorious service to the nation.


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